Sunday, October 4, 2009

BP2_2009101: My First RSS Feeds

Finding educational sites with information I felt was relevant to my work and my studies AND equipped to be subscribed to proved to be more of a challenge than I had anticipated. In the end, searching for blogs specifically enabled me to select several useful sites to help me keep up to date on trends in education, and technology in education specifically.
1. Edutopia provides a wide range of relevant topics for educators interested in innovations and improving learning opportunities for students.
2., a site sponsored by PBS, serves to keep educator, and parents, informed on the influence of technology on educational services.
3. Successful Teaching is exactly what you would expect. An innovative teacher created a blog post where educators can learn and share strategies and tips for successful teaching experiences.
4. Education Technology Blog serves a purpose all educators are looking for - aiding the end-user in determining which of the myriad of web resources are most useful. Although the site was established by an individual, most of the information is provided by visitors to the blog site.
5. Educause is a nonprofit devoted to exploiting the intelligent use of technology for improving education. As such, information can range from useful web resources, professional development opportunities, or sources of collaborative communities focused on the application of technology in education.

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